5 Ways to Create a Home Office that Inspires Productivity During Lockdown

Ways to Create a Home Office

May 21, 2021

Working from the couch and other makeshift spaces at home functioned well during the first several months of the COVID-19 lockdown. However, a year has gone by and people are now collectively realizing that this situation may be our new reality for the indefinite future. With this understanding comes a reevaluation of our work setup. To stay on task and be productive, you need a well-defined and inspiring workspace. Here are 5 ways to create a home office that harnesses creativity and boosts productivity amidst staying at home.

Pick the Most Appropriate Spot

Choose a room or a spot in your home that is properly lit, quiet, and has good air circulation. Rather than sitting cooped up in a room, set up a workspace by the balcony or near a window. In this way, you get adequate sunlight while it also serves as a good source of inspiration. Make certain there are power outlets nearby so that plugging in your smartphone or laptop for charging is effortless. 

Find the Right Desk

You don’t need to have furniture that exactly replicates the desk and chair at your office. Choose an ergonomically designed chair that you can sit in for long hours that does not cause stress or strain on your spine, forearms, and neck while typing. A bad chair has the potential to increase the risk of back pain, and improper blood circulation. Investing in a good chair saves you from these risks, offers posture support, and minimizes the breaks you take as a result of feeling uncomfortable. A spacious table that accommodates your laptop, smartphone, and essential papers function well to keep all your work essentials within reach. Your eyes need to be at level with the top of the computer screen when you are sitting at your desk. 

Do Away With the Clutter

Minimizing clutter can do wonders for creating a sense of calm. This helps in boosting focus and clarity. An organized space also makes it simpler to find notes and stationery material. You can also keep clutter away with the right storage solutions. A filing cabinet may not be the best choice for your home setup but a desk with built-in storage solutions or a modular cabinet that blends well with the style and decor of your home space is a smart choice. Conceal visible wires of the printer, laptop, and mouse with cable organizers. You can also try tying up the length of the wires and use binder clips for a more organized-looking space.

Add a Personal Touch

Lend a personal touch with pieces that boost creativity and do not cause distractions. Consider adding your favorite indoor plants around or on your desk for a relaxing and pleasing ambiance. If you find inspiration from visual objects, place a few of your favorite pictures on your desk, add art-inspired decor, or hang up a few paintings on the wall. These small but significant elements can put you at ease especially since you are going to be spending a significant part of your day here.

Think About Other Essentials

Define work and home zones properly to have a dedicated space away from the busy household chores. This also helps you find peace of mind to focus. Carefully consider artificial lighting options if natural light isn’t sufficient. Go in for lighting solutions that offer effective downlighting while you are working. Make certain you have a strong WiFi connection especially if all of the other home residents are working from home as well.

As companies are encouraging their employees to work from home amidst the prevailing situation, it is important to maintain productivity day-to-day. These tips are sure to create an inspirational work-from-home space that is functional, fun, and productive. Rainforest Estates incorporate these same elements to create thoughtfully designed spaces that help you work from home as well as relax in tranquility.

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